soooooooo, several months ago i started to write a post* about letting go (of several unhealthy relationships that i had been clinging to out of fear).
well, life took over and as usual, i was distracted by something bright and shiny, leaving the post to be unpublished and collect digital dust on my computer hard drive.
i continued on with my life, slowly distancing myself from some of the unhealthy things i'd surrounded myself with, kind of giving up on the idea of any real romance in my life.
then life surprised me in a completely unexpected way....with a love i never believed in but always hoped existed. a love that feels so natural and easy that i realized everything before it was merely a warm-up exercise. i guess it's kind of true what they say about things happening when you least expect it and with someone who has been one of my closest friends for 14 years.
thank you universe.
*post on letting go to be continued at a further date.