Saturday, January 2, 2010


so in regards to my last post, the person who i was writing about finally told me what the fuck is going on. he met someone else and the weird, funny thing is that i'm so happy for him. the core of all our problems was that i wouldn't commit so i'm happy he met someone who feels the same way that he does. he truly deserves it.

why he had to fucking make this so dramatic and not just be upfront, i have no fucking idea??!? all that drama and stress for no reason. i've been sick to my stomach for over a week. i don't handle being ignored very well. he's someone i consider a good friend and i'm sad to lose him in that regard but it's best for both of us to move forward and be open to new opportunities. just wanted to get that off my chest.


erin said...

I believe 2010 will be great. At some point we all get to be the heartbreaker, and sometimes the heartbroken. But what if we could just be the heart?

cougs said...

thank you so much for these words!!! they resonated so strongly with me and not just in regards to romantic love.
it's hard not to be defensive and protective with our feelings but i want 2010 to be about being more open and less conditional with my compassion and love.
it takes a strong person to just love someone (friends, boyfriends, family members, etc.) without any expectations. i'm working towards more of that in my life this year.
the person this post is about - even though i didn't want anything serious and i was cold and distant most times - it's been hard not to be selfish and defensive about the outcome instead of just being truly, purely happy for him and still caring about him even though i'm not getting anything in return.
does this make sense? i guess i just needed work some things out that have been floating around in my head.

erin said...

I fully understand. I currently am doing my best to be open and honest and not so wriggly when it comes to matters of the heart. Sometimes, it's so hard to get out with no one unscathed. 2010- year of the open heart?